Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Moms Birthday

For mom’s birthday this year I was doing what I do best. Flying!! I was blessed to fly to the same place I was sent on Thanksgiving. I went to stormy Pocatello Idaho. I called my dad and convinced him to bring my mother up to me, so that I could spend her 51st birthday with her. It was a little bit less from their house to drive to me than down to Salt Lake anyway. It only took them an hour and 15 minutes. The only problem was the bad weather.

We went out to sizzler and then opened some presents in the car. We also went shopping in the mall for a bit before they had to take me back to my hotel and try to race home and beat the storm that was quickly coming in. They didn’t beat it but I’m glad they made it home safely, as well as coming up and taking the time to include me in her birthday.