Sunday, February 8, 2009

501 Pictures of Big Ben

So I recently took a wonderful trip to England with my mother. I’ve been waiting for this trip for a long time. There are so many things I want to see in this world. I actually have a list of them.

One item on that list was to see England’s Parliament and Big Ben. I am now proud to say that I have accomplished that task and can check off a couple items on my list of things to do before I die and I have 1001 pictures to prove it.

I also found out something interesting about the Clock Tower. Its name isn’t Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the bell inside the clock tower, which has a beautiful deep ring if I do say so myself.

My first view of the tower was not what I had expected. I thought I would see it from afar and be awestruck as I wound through the streets till I found the expansive gothic structures that seemed to fallow behind the clock tower.

What really happened was my mother and I wandered out of the tube station kind of lost and confused. There were many different ways to exit and I all I could do was stare up at the signs telling the direction for points of interest. We started up the steps and I first remember looking at the base of a very beautiful building. The first thing that came to mind was wow they have tons of pretty buildings here, but then it clicked in my head to look up and at that moment I saw it, The Gigantic Clock Tower that I knew as Big Ben.

I couldn’t believe it at first. I thought that there must have been another big tower, but after a little looking and staring I figured how could there be another big clock tower on a building and me not know about it. Anyway It was amazing to me.

The Tower was so beautiful. I loved the gold around the face and the detail. It was staggering to me. Much better than the Eifel tower. First time I saw it I thought it was just a big piece of rusted metal, but this was a masterpiece. Ok I might be weird but I loved it.


Miss Heather said...

I am SO jealous! How amazing! I've always wanted to tour London and I'm so glad you got to go. :)

Salmon Tolman Family said...

Those tube stations are something else, aren't they?!
I don't think i could ever grow old of seeing such beautiful, historic buildings like the Big Ben! That's awesome that you captured it so beautifully in so many different photos! And 1001 photos on your trip is awesome!!!!

Lisa M said...

What gorgeous pictures!!

Debra said...

What an awesome trip!