Friday, July 18, 2008

Larsen Family Reunion

So I also was able to go to the Larsen Family Reunion when I was home. It was so fun to see everyone. My sister and her kids came down and cousins from everywhere.
We ate good food, I helped out with the fish pond, we played some games aka water balloon volleyball. My favorite of course was guessing how many pieces of candy were in surtain jars. I won one of them.
The fish pond

I also got to sit and talk to my Uncle David forever. He loves to sit and talk to me in Norwegian and make me practice. Its pretty fun.

After the Reunion we went back to my parents house and just hung out for a few days. I loved playing with my nephews. Me and Chase made up stories to tell each other on our long drive back home. It was so much fun. I was so sad when I had to leave.

The only bad thing about this trip was that everywhere I went I left something important. My watch,which I need for flying, my book, my Ipod, My phone and Camera charger, My Keys to my apartment and then just a shirt, but still those are all very important things...oh well, maybe someday I'll learn.

The Boys in their war paint watchin tv

Me, mom and Lisa being our crazy selves

Grandpa and Keegan


Kelli and her Babies! said...

Well I saw your link from Aliesha's such a cute blog I hope all is well your family looks wonderful:) Kelli